June 26, 2017

>Trump goes on a morning tweet storm
>Tweets: The Democrats have become nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS, they have no policies or ideas. All they do is delay and complain.They own ObamaCare!
>Call out Obama
>Says Obama knew for 4 months about Russia but did nothing
>”I should be given apology!”
>Tweets: Republican Senators are working very hard to get there, with no help from the Democrats. Not easy! Perhaps just let OCare crash & burn!
>More winning
>Supreme Court ends injunction against Travel Ban
>Was a Per Curium opinion aka 9-0 decision
>Will hear arguments on the merits of the case in October
>Some GOP members call on Ginsburg to recuse herself after her comments during the campaign
>Students and those with a “relationship” with a person or organization in US are exempted from the ban
>Audio only Spicer rally
>Jim Acosta gets triggered hard
>Spicer: There’s no camera on Jim
>Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) says Gorsuch, Thomas, and Alito are the three horsemen of the apocalypse
>Trump meets with Indian PM Modi
>Trump gets two hugs from Modi
>Modi invites Ivanka to lead US delegation in India
>CBO releases score on Senate healthcare bill
>Three CNN employees resign after retraction of false Russia story
>FBI Director nomination formally sent to Senate
>White House warns another Syrian chemical attack may be coming

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